rolled up newspapers English 3

Module 1 Glossary

Term Part of Speech Definition
abhor  verb to regard with extreme repugnance
abominable adjective worthy of causing disgust or hatred
allusion noun a reference to something or someone that is known from history, literature, religion, politics, sports, science, or some other branch of culture
antipodes noun something that is exact opposite or contrary of another
benumbed verb deprived of sensation; numb
brimstone noun sulfur, damnation to hell. Usually used in fiery or passionate speeches.
conceits noun the result of intellectual activity; a thought or opinion
constitution noun physical or emotional reaction to challenging situations
demiculverins noun a kind of cannonball weighing from nine to thirteen pounds
discontented verb unhappy about something
dissent noun difference of opinion or feeling; disagreement
distemper noun mixture of paint and glue-like substance
fain adverb happily, merrily
imagery noun a set of mental pictures or images
incense verb to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of something or someone
ineffable adjective incapable of being expressed in words, unspeakable
lusty adjective full of vigor or vitality; robust
metaphor noun a metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things without the use of like or as. Example: "My love is a red rose."


 adjective reasonable, not excessive, calm, temperate
mollified verb lessened in intensity; softened
persuasive speeches noun attempt to convince an audience to think or act in a certain way. Examples of persuasive speeches include political speeches and advertisements.
pilfer verb to steal
pinnace noun a light boat propelled by sails or oars, formerly used as a tender for merchant and war vessels
plain style noun Plain style is characterized by simple sentences, the use of everyday words from common speech, and by clear and direct statements.
proactive adjective Be aware of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, blind spots, motivations - and be proactive in finding out as much as you can about yourself.  Then be proactive in applying that knowledge to your relations with others.
purpose noun the author's reason for writing, also linked to the intended audience
rapier noun sword with a long, slender blade
reviled verb verbally attacked or assaulted
savages noun A person regarded as primitive or uncivilized, in this case, it refers to Native Americans.
simile noun a comparison of two unlike things using like or as. Example: "run like the wind."
sovereign noun one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere
sundry adjective various, assorted
tone noun the tone of a literary piece is either the author's attitude toward a subject or the mood of the work itself. The various devices used to create mood include diction, sentence structure, repetition, imagery, and symbolism.
valiant adjective brave
vexation noun the act of harassing or irritating
victual noun food supplies; provisions
yeoman noun farmer

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