rolled up newspapers English 3

"A Rose for Emily" Questions

  • Add your responses to the following questions to your Part I responses document.

  • Be sure your responses are in complete sentences.

    1. What metaphor is used to describe Miss Emily in the first paragraph?

    2. How is the house personified in the second paragraph of this story?

    3. What had Colonel Sartoris done for Miss Emily in 1894?

    4. What did the next generation of town leaders do on the first year?

    5. How does Faulkner describe Miss Emily in the sixth paragraph?

    6. At the beginning of Part II, how long had Emily's father been dead?

    7. What are the neighbors complaining about? What does Judge Stevens say probably has caused it?

    8. What did Miss Emily tell her visitors the day after her father's death?

    9. Who began to date Miss Emily in Part III, and why was he in town?

    10. What did the townspeople think of Miss Emily and her new boyfriend?

    11. What does Miss Emily do to make the townspeople think that she and her boyfriend have wed?

    12. When was the last time the townspeople saw her boyfriend/husband?

    13. Why had the men sprinkled lime around her house in Part II?

    14. There is a room upstairs no one has seen for over forty years. After Miss Emily's funeral, the door to this room is broken down. What do the townspeople find there?

    15. What happened to Homer Barron? Comment on the second pillow on the bed in the last paragraph while responding to this one.

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