rolled up newspapers English 3

Module Six Glossary

Term Part of Speech Definition
assonance noun the repetition of vowel sounds. Example: "she flees by sea"
comic device noun a literary device which creates humor
contemporary adjective current or modern time
expatriate noun person making residence in a foreign country, rather than their own
extravagant adjective excessive or lavish
linear adjective relating to or resembling a straight line
menace noun a threat or source of danger
metaphor noun a comparison of two unlike things without the use of like or as. Example: "My love is a red rose."
naturalism noun a 19th century literary movement that was an extension of realism and that claimed to portray life exactly as it was
neuter adjective neither male nor female
onomatopoeia noun a word that imitates the sound it represents
parenthetical citation noun documentation of the author and source for a quote or fact contained within parentheses at the end of a sentence. Used in MLA style of documentation.
persistence noun continuing with or repeating an effort
personification noun a figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to an animal, object, or idea
plight noun a situation which is difficult to escape
primitivist noun in literature, a writer whose style promotes a simplistic or rudimentary approach through characters or sentence structure
realism noun a style of writing, developed in the 19th century, that attempts to depict life accurately without idealizing or romanticizing it
regimented adjective kept within strict lines or boundaries
regionalism noun literature that emphasizes a specific geographic area that reproduces the speech, behavior, and attitudes of the people who live in that region
shell-shocked adjective stunned, overwhelmed, or exhausted from long term exposure to violence (particularly war)
signaling phrase noun inclusion of the author or source's name within a sentence. Generally, at the start of the sentence. Examples: "According to Maggie Smith, . . ." or "In To Kill a Mockingbird, . . ."
slang noun casual or playful speech, usually popular for short periods of time
stereotype noun an oversimplified generalization of a person, group, or idea
stream of consciousness noun a form of writing developed in literature during the early twentieth century in which an author shares the thoughts of a character as though listening inside the character's head
subjectivity noun a judgment based on personal opinions or feelings, rather than facts
superfluous adjective beyond what is required; extra
surprise and incongruity noun a time-honored comic device is to set up the audience to expect one thing and then surprising them with the unexpected
tone noun the tone of a literary piece is either the author's attitude toward a subject or the mood of the work itself. The various devices used to create mood include diction, sentence structure, repetition, imagery, and symbolism.
vigorous adjective done with energy or force

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